“Grow a Pair.”
We all know the saying, implying that you need balls – male testicles – to be tough. Hereby linking toughness directly to masculinity. This, of course, cannot be right! We’ve known for a very long time that women have balls too and if you count well, even more than men. So who’s tough now? This saying goes for everyone and all balls and it is not just entitled to masculinity and male testicles. We want to include the other 50% of the world in the discourse of toughness and balls. So let’s get our tough going, one ball at a time!
“It’s my bloody period, so what?!”
Do you also feel like you’re about to smuggle drugs into the toilet, when grabbing a tampon at work or any public space? Do you also hate those lame tampon or sanitary pad commercials that have replaced blood by some chemical, green, translucent fluid? Great, join the club! It’s time to stop period shaming and break the taboos on blood flow. Don’t worry, we are not on the verge of chasing people around on the streets with our bloody tampons, but we do feel that menstruation should be approached the way it is and be normalised instead of shamed. It’s your period, embrace it and be proud of it!